The first step in the journey out of homelessness is finding sure footing. With your support, The Joshua House Expansion will double the capacity of Seacoast Family Promise to provide shelter and services to more families and children - and help them begin a new chapter.
Seacoast Family Promise provides pathways to financial security. The Joshua House Expansion will double these opportunities so more families can develop the skills they need to generate savings, gain employment, and create a bright future for their children.
When families thrive, the community thrives. The Joshua House Expansion will greatly expand Seacoast Family Promise’s proven services to help families and children become active, contributing members to healthy communities for generations to come.
Your support for The Joshua House Expansion helps guide many more families
out of homelessness and into a life of stability, hope, and success.
The Case for Expansion
The number of the “hidden homeless” has grown annually with no end in sight. Family homelessness is one of the fastest growing segments of the homeless population nationally. In New Hampshire, family homelessness grows on average of 19 – 21% a year.
Thanks to a grant obtained through the Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR), Seacoast Family Promise purchased the building known as the Joshua House in Greenland, NH, which provides safe, overnight shelter and individual family rooms for privacy. And now our story continues as we expand the existing building into a larger facility to accommodate demand.
Census for the expansion will allow for double the current capacity and maintain a CDC approved quarantine space. Seacoast Family Promise will serve twice its current census and provide rehabilitative services to families with children who might otherwise be living in vehicles, campgrounds, or doubled up with friends and family.
The newly expanded facility will include larger rooms to meet the needs of larger families who often cannot find shelter due to their size, capacity to serve double our current census, a safe, fenced play area for children and adults, new water/HVAC/septic systems, and much more.
How You Can Play an Important Role
We need your help to reach our $900,000 goal. While your gift to the Joshua House Expansion will depend on your own financial situation, we would be pleased to help you make a gift that meets your needs and the needs of our families. In addition to one-time gifts, our expansion plan recognizes donors who pledge to support us over each of the next three years.
Your gift can be paid yearly, quarterly, or monthly and auto-debiting is available. Your multi-year pledge will also give you the opportunity to choose one of the dedicatories listed, and enjoy the recognition you deserve for being one of our supporters.
We gratefully accept gifts of bequests, estates, real estate and stocks and would be happy to provide you with all the information you need to leave a legacy of love and support for those in need.
Please contact us at director@seacoastfamilypromise.org or 603-658-8448 to learn more!
A shelter is not a mere structure for temporary sleeping, it is a “living” building that must grow to meet the needs of the ever-changing landscape of family homelessness. The key is to accommodate all families without prejudice or judgment and provide what each individual family needs to return to the community as healthy, participating members.